Friday, December 11, 2009

Is it too much to ask you to be around more often?
I'm damn bored today, did absolutely nothing. I need a fuckin' new handphone. I always want to shave a small part of my hair- mainly just for fun and I think it would look awesome with any outfit but I don't have the guts..yet! Alice Dellal rock the look like no one else. She is just effin' gorgeous!


Graham I. Haynes said...

I say "Go for it!"
Let your instincts run wild.
If you put your attitude behind it, you can carry it off with no problem.
These photos are great, btw.

Adwina Noh said...

thanx for the support ;) lol. but bcz im in law school n im going to do my attachment with law firms- i think i hv to wait for another few months. it sucks for some sacrifices tht needed frm me :S

Reen said...

mmm jeah sucks, I'm dreaming of painting my hair bright red, but it's not in order to do that at my school at all, people will think I'm effin' crazy.
I wish we could go to the barbershop together and just DO IT :p
But I understand your doubts.
Alice is indeed gorgeous and rocks the bad ass look but I kinda hate it on Rihanna..